Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Color Sorting, Playing with wooden blocks et all

Color Sorting in the toy room:

Wooden blocks train and a Pringles tunnel :)

Look at what we built!

Random Things to Do

Buying groceries and running errands for mommy:

Attending meetings:

Wearing sunglasses at home:



Rhyme Time

Singing rhymes together:

Chubby Cheeks...

We did it!

This is how we act like good boys:

We are big now...

Count my teeth:

Our very own Statue of Liberties:

Say Cheese:

Look at my dance!

Bird Watching and I Spy Out of the Window:

We sing rhymes everywhere... Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?

Monday, July 15, 2013

On Cloud Nine!

When I read here: http://blog.nancyaugust.com/2012/06/summer-craft-soap-clouds.html that we could make clouds with soap, I could not contain my excitement and we made it the very same day!

Making cookies

Thanks to Raani for organizing cookie making as part of Christmas celebrations and for these cute pics :)

Little houses

Unpacking fun

Laundry time

Lampshade painting

Got all of my Sharpies and set to decorate the lampshade in the kids' bedroom with it. Car theme for my car-crazy kids - that's the idea that struck my mind and I loved the result :)

Little gifts in a little box

I loved these little pyramid gift box and set to make one right away :)

Drawing book

Adu loves to copy my drawings and insists that I draw all pictures step-by-step. This inspired me into making a series of books with illustrated drawings with simple steps for each picture.

Adu drew this cute elephant with this drawing book :)

Painted or Stitched T shirts

Animal Barn

Converted an old box into a barn by decorating it with patterned contact paper.

Animals made out of paint chips

Idea for animals from: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSSmfXxouCPDW1DB9LX0R80bHZ7ib-zszRwOHNoiLIcTQoeNeOq6w

Decorating boxes - little ideas

Flashcard holder

Puzzle holder

Socks holder

Tissue Paper Pom poms

Pom poms were everywhere and everyone was making them. I had few tissue papers of assorted colors at home. I used the available ones to make one giant pom pom to hang in front of the kid's toy room :)

It is not a neat one, but am happy enough I tried.

Fishy Sudsy Soap

Idea adapted from http://static.spoonful.com/sites/default/files/styles/square_420x420/public/crafts/soapy-the-sock-fish-craft-photo-420-FF111OONESA15.jpg?itok=x7lDFHn7

Felt coasters and felt food/ pin cushions

Coasters made from felt make simple last minute gifts

Ideas from around the net, don't recollect where... Sorry!!